Annual Review of Kosovo’s Foreign Policy

Gëzim Visoka (2018), Annual Review of Kosovo’s Foreign Policy, Prishtina: Prishtina Institute for Political Studies. This policy study offers a comprehensive and reflexive review of Kosovo’s foreign affairs in 2018, examining most relevant events and developments with regard to expanding diplomatic recognition and membership in international bodies, in advancing the Euro-Atlantic integration, in cultivating bilateral […]

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Assessing the potential impact of the Kosovo Specialist Court

Gëzim Visoka (2017), Assessing the potential impact of the Kosovo Specialist Court, Utrecht, NL: PAX and Impunity Watch. This policy study presents a comprehensive assessment of the potentially profound positive societal effects of the Court’s work, as well as the risks that work poses to intra-ethnic and inter-ethnic relations and political stability in Kosovo. It recommends a […]

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Recognizing Kosovo’s independence: Remedial secession or earned sovereignty?

Grace Bolton and Gëzim Visoka (2010), ‘Recognizing Kosovo’s independence: Remedial secession or earned sovereignty?’, SEESOX Occasional Paper, No. 11/10, SESSOX, University of Oxford.  This paper examines the main justifications for recognising Kosovo’s independence: ‘remedial secession’ and ‘earned sovereignty’. Our paper begins by examining the applicability of the doctrine of remedial secession to Kosovo, the justifications for which […]

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