13. Gëzim Visoka and John Doyle (2016), ‘Neo-Functional Peace: The European Union Way of Resolving Conflicts’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(4): 862-877. The European Union has expanded its role in preventing conflicts and building peace, but its institutional practices remain insufficiently conceptualised. This article argues that drawing from a strong self-perception towards a neo-functionalist interpretation of […]
Arrested Truth: Transitional Justice and the Politics of Remembrance in Kosovo
12. Gëzim Visoka (2016), ‘Arrested Truth: Transitional Justice and the Politics of Remembrance in Kosovo’, Journal of Human Rights Practice, 8(1): 62-80. This article examines the documentation of war crimes and human losses in Kosovo under the conditions of contested transitional justice and ethno-nationalist politics of remembrance. The article argues that the documentation of war crimes in […]
Peace is what we make of it? Peace-shaping events and ‘non-events’
11. Gëzim Visoka (2016), ‘Peace is what we make of it? Peace-shaping events and ‘non-events”, Peacebuilding, 4(1): 54-70. Attempts to build peace often fail to achieve the intended outcomes. Such endeavours often lead to unintended effects shaped by multiple factors, events, and actors. This raises the question: if the intentional actions that constitute peace processes do not […]
Peace Figuration after International Intervention: Intentions, Events and Consequences of Liberal Peacebuilding
1. Gëzim Visoka (2016), Peace Figuration after International Intervention: Intentions, Events and Consequences of Liberal Peacebuilding, London: Routledge. This book examines the adverse impacts of liberal peacebuilding in conflict-affected societies. It introduces ‘peace figuration’ as a new analytical framework for studying the intentionality, performativity, and consequences of liberal peacebuilding. The work challenges current theories and views and […]
Peace/knowledge: The Promise of New Epistemologies of Peace
10. Gëzim Visoka (2015) ‘Peace/knowledge: The Promise of New Epistemologies of Peace’, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 9(4): 542-550. The debates on peacebuilding and statebuilding are in a permanent transformative flux. The production of new waves of peacebuilding and statebuilding debates seems unstoppable. This piece reviews the most recent scholarship in peacebuilding and statebuilding studies to depict the promise […]
National NGOs
2. Gëzim Visoka (2015), ‘National NGOs’, in Roger Mac Ginty and Jenny H. Peterson (eds), Routledge Companion to Humanitarian Action, London: Routledge, pp. 267-278. This chapter focuses on examining N-NGOs as one of the key actors involved in humanitarian action. The analyses are concentrated only on those NGOs who operate nationwide and have their activity spread […]
Peacebuilding and International Responsibility
9. Gëzim Visoka and John Doyle (2014), ‘Peacebuilding and International Responsibility’, International Peacekeeping, 21(5): 673-692. This article expands the conceptual and empirical understanding of relational responsibility in peacebuilding, by unpicking the often ill-defined notion of responsibility into three discrete and hierarchical categories – attributability, answerability and accountability. Present practices of international responsibility for their executive powers in […]
Census Politics and Ethnicity in the Western Balkans
8. Gëzim Visoka and Elvin Gjevori (2013), ‘Census Politics and Ethnicity in the Western Balkans’, East European Politics, 29(4): 479-498. This article investigates how census politics in the Western Balkans take the form of a political device to entrench or transform ethnic demographics, which can have implications for cooperation and reciprocity between neighbouring states. We argue that […]
Three Levels of Hybridisation Practices in Post-conflict Kosovo
7. Gëzim Visoka (2012), ‘Three Levels of Hybridisation Practices in Post-conflict Kosovo’, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 7(2): 23-36. This article aims to advance conceptual and empirical knowledge about hybrid forms of peace by developing an analytical framework that conceptualises three levels of hybridity between international and local actors, namely the institutional, public and hidden practices […]
The ‘Kafkaesque Accountability’ of International Governance in Kosovo
6. Gëzim Visoka (2012), ‘The ‘Kafkaesque Accountability’ of International Governance in Kosovo’, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 6(2): 189-212. This article explores the institutionalized and legalized forms of ‘unaccountability’ evident during the United Nation’s protracted and extensive administration of Kosovo, which were implemented to protect the UN from liability in case the United Nations Interim Administration […]